Minyak Atsiri Indonesia

Abstrak Penelitian


Oleh: Gusmaini dan Nur Maslahah; Balai Penelitian Tanaman Rempah dan Obat

Buletin Tanaman Rempah dan Obat Vol. XIII, No. 2, 2002


Percobaan pot untuk menguji pengaruh dosis dan komposisi bahan organik terhadap pertumbuhan dan hasil jahe (Zingiber officinale Rosc.) dilakukan mulai Desember 1996 hingga Mei 1997 di Instalasi Penelitian Cimanggu, Bogor. Perlakuan yang diuji adalah tanpa pupuk organik dan dosis serta komposisi pupuk organik 0.5 kg dan 1 kg. Bahan organik yang digunakan adalah pupuk kandang, limbah kopi dan sekam, masing-masing dengan komposisi : (1) 1:0:0, (2) (1:0:1), (3) (1:1:0), (4) (1:1:1), (5) (1:2:1), (6) (1:1:2), (7) (2:1:1), per pot, ukuran pot adalah 40 x 60 cm dengan berat tanah 25 kg/pot. Rancangan yang digunakan adalah rancangan acak kelompok, faktor tunggal dengan 3 ulangan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa dosis 0.5 kg bahan organik dengan komposisi 1:1:0 memberikan jumlah anakan per rumpun (15.21) dan jumlah daun (128.11) terbanyak, berbeda nyata dengan kontrol (8.37 dan 81.11). Diameter pangkal batang terbesar dicapai pada dosis 1.0 kg bahan organik dengan komposisi 1:1:2 (11.7 mm) berbeda nyata dengan kontrol (8.18 mm). Hasil rimpang segar relatif tinggi (687-69 – 591.28 g/tanaman) dan berbeda nyata dengan kontrol (315.67 g/tanaman) dicapai pada dosis 0.5 kg komposisi 1:2:1 dan komposisi berimbang 1:1:1. Untuk mengurangi pemakaian pupuk kandang, sebaiknya dikombinasikan dengan bahan organik lain.

Kata kunci : Jahe, bahan organik, limbah kopi, produksi.

The effecct of dosage and composition organic matter on growth and young ginger yield  (Zingiber officinale Rosc)


A pot experiment to test the effect of dosage and composition of organic matter on growth and ginger yield (Zingiber officinale Rosc.) was conducted at the Cimanggu Research Installation Bogor, from December 1996 to May 1997. The treatments tested were with and without dosage 0.5 kg and 1 kg composition of organic matter (O.M), The organic matter used was a mixture of dunk manure : coffee waste and rice husk, namely (1) 1:0:0, (2) (1:0:1), (3) (1:1:0), (4) (1:1:1), (5) (1:2:1), (6) (1:1:2), (7) (2:1:1) kg/plot, the pot side was 40 x 60 cm. A randomize block design, single factor were used with 3 replications. The results showed that 0.5 kg/pot of organic matter with 1:1 0 composition gave the highest growth of tiller/clump (15.21) and leaves number (128.11) and was significantly better compared to the control (8.37 and 81.11). The biggest stem diameter was achieved at 1.0 kg/pot of organic matter with 1:1:2 composition (11.7 mm) and was significantly better than the control (8.18 mm). Furthermore significant yield of fresh rhizome was obtained from 0.5 kg/pot of organic matter with 1:2:1 (591.28 g/plant) and 1:1: 1, composition (687.69 g/plant) both were significantly better than the control (315.67 g/plant). These treatments were cheaper than the treatment 1.0 kg/pot of organic matter with 1:1:1 composition (647.19 g). To reduce dunk manure dosage, should be combined with another organic matters.

Key words: Zingiber officinale, waste, organic matter, production.

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